

Can friends collect foreign exchange on behalf of others?


Foreign exchange collection is a common practice in international trade, but sometimes it may be difficult or inconvenient for individuals to collect foreign exchange by themselves. In this case, they may ask their friends to help them collect foreign exchange on their behalf. However, many people are not sure whether it is legal or safe to do so. In this article, we will discuss whether friends can collect foreign exchange on behalf of others.

The legal aspect

According to the regulations of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, individuals are not allowed to collect foreign exchange on behalf of others without the authorization of the relevant authorities. Therefore, if friends collect foreign exchange on behalf of others without legal authorization, they may face legal punishment. However, if the collection is authorized by the relevant authorities, friends can collect foreign exchange on behalf of others legally.

The safety aspect

Even if friends collect foreign exchange on behalf of others legally, there are still some risks. For example, if the foreign exchange is lost or stolen during the collection process, friends may be responsible for compensation. Therefore, before collecting foreign exchange on behalf of others, friends should consider the safety of the collection process and take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the foreign exchange.

The practical aspect

In practice, friends may be asked to collect foreign exchange on behalf of others for various reasons, such as language barriers, time constraints, or convenience. In this case, friends should communicate with the relevant authorities and ensure that the collection process is legal and safe. They should also keep records of the collection process and communicate regularly with the person who authorized the collection to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

The conclusion

In summary, whether friends can collect foreign exchange on behalf of others depends on the legal authorization and the safety of the collection process. If friends collect foreign exchange on behalf of others without legal authorization or without ensuring the safety of the collection process, they may face legal punishment or financial risks. Therefore, friends should be cautious and communicate with the relevant authorities and the person who authorized the collection before collecting foreign exchange on behalf of others.



