

What is the English expression for "代收外汇"?

In Chinese, "代收外汇" refers to a service that allows a third-party to collect foreign currency on behalf of the client. This service is commonly used in international trade transactions where the buyer and seller are located in different countries and use different currencies. In English, there are a few different expressions that can be used to describe "代收外汇".

1. Foreign Currency Collection Service

One of the most straightforward ways to express "代收外汇" in English is to use the term "foreign currency collection service". This term accurately describes the process of collecting foreign currency on behalf of a client and is commonly used in the banking industry.

2. Foreign Currency Payment Service

Another way to express "代收外汇" is to use the term "foreign currency payment service". This term is often used in the context of international payments and describes the process of making payments in a foreign currency.

3. Foreign Currency Remittance Service

A third expression that can be used to describe "代收外汇" is "foreign currency remittance service". This term is commonly used in the context of sending money internationally and describes the process of transferring money in a foreign currency.

How to write about "代收外汇" in English?

If you need to write about "代收外汇" in English, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it's important to be clear and concise in your writing. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon wherever possible. Second, provide context for your readers by explaining what "代收外汇" means and why it's important. Finally, be sure to use the appropriate terminology and expressions when discussing this topic.


Foreign currency collection services are an important part of international trade transactions. These services allow buyers and sellers to transact in different currencies without having to worry about the complexities of foreign exchange. When a client uses a foreign currency collection service, a third-party collects the foreign currency on their behalf and then transfers it to the appropriate party. This process helps to ensure that transactions are completed smoothly and without any currency-related issues.


In conclusion, "代收外汇" can be expressed in English using a variety of different terms and expressions, including "foreign currency collection service", "foreign currency payment service", and "foreign currency remittance service". When writing about this topic, it's important to be clear, concise, and to provide context for your readers.


